This year P@SHA ICT awards focused on rewarding The Tech Superstars by providing a platform to acknowledge their efforts along with the progress made towards the annual GDP by the IT ministry of Pakistan. This event is held every year, and the winners are then taken to the Asia Pacific ICT awards to put Pakistan’s IT industry in front of a global audience.
Social Champ is an international SaaS tool that started out as a startup at the Nest I/O and, with the help of big names, such as Guy Kawasaki, Jehan Ara, and many, became a leading marketing solution. The brains behind the social media management tool are three best friends who now co-head the company and manage a team of 20+.

Social Champ has played a crucial role in representing Pakistan and its startups on a global level and at multiple international events. Not only that, Social Champ has led the Pakistan startup industry from the front and has been a flag bearer in the industry of marketing solutions.

This year, the marketing solution award rightly represents all that Social Champ stands for. With Social Champ and its unique offering, you too can take your social media by storm and automate the profiles to the fullest.
Lastly, a huge thank you to the P@SHA ICT awards for inviting us and thinking of us as worthy enough to get a winning position among the other technology giants in Pakistan.
Congratulations to all the winners and runners-up of the day. You are all awesome!