Sameer Ahmed Khan
Trainings, Talks and Speaker Sessions
Sameer has conducted sessions on behalf of Nokia, Microsoft, Facebook, IEEE, ACM, USAID, Govt of Oman, and many universities and tech-incubators worldwide. His topics include; lessons he learnt in his previous startups, digital media, social media tools, coding anguages, etc.
The Power of Influence - TedxNust
Sameer talks about how start up can be successful and what role they play to influence a society. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.
Words of Wisdom - NED University
A motivational sessions for young startups studying in NED University
Key takeaways from the startup journey - IBA University
In this talk Sameer shares some key lessons he learnt from past startup failures and how he raised investment twice for Social Champ.
Unofficial sneak peek of my talk at, "TEDx Hamdard University"
This is an unofficial video from Sameer’s recent Tedx talk which is yet to be published on official channels
Building Smarter Tech Products by Using Data
This session was conducted for startups incubated at The Nest IO where advanced analytics tools were shared such as Heap Analytics, Mixpanel and some other powerful tools.
Lessons Learnt from Startup Journey - Sir Syed University
A training session on how to start a startup was conducted for students enrolled in Kamyab Jawan Program at Sir Syed University.
Motivational Talk at "Young Leaders Conference Karachi"
Some key lessons in life for upcoming youth was shared at YLC Karachi
Social media marketing session in Oman for Startups!
The session was held at “SAS for Entrepreneurship Center” at Information Technology Authority, Oman! Special thanks to, “Hamood Al Hamadan” for inviting me.
Tips and Advice for Entrepreneurs Starting Up
A dedicated video for a FB group was recorded on their request.
How to use social media better? - Alfalhia Masjid - MTM
This session was given in a mosque under the supervision of Mufti Tariq Masood on how people can use social media better.
60 Second Pitch of Social Champ at 021Disrupt
This is a 60 second pitch explaining what Social Champ is at 021Disrupt Conference!
Meet Sameer
The Speaker Everyone's Talking About!
Sameer has inspired thousands across every level, from university students to C-suite executives. His talks cover a wide range of topics, including:
Startup Survival Guide: Lessons from 3 Crashes that Launched Him Higher
Perfecting Your Social Media: Tips, Tricks and Hacks
(Tailored for Beginners & Professionals)
Coder Turned Founder: How to Lead a Startup
0’s and 1’s: Introduction to the World of Coding
(Tailored for Kids, University CS Students & Professionals)
Want him to take the stage at your event? Book a consultation call today!